"Here is excellent theology made both relevant and exciting. I can think of no better book for equipping Christians to present their faith intelligently and attractively to real people.
John Nicholls, Associate Minister, Smithton Free Church of Scotland, Inverness, formerly Chief Executive, London City Mission
... one of the finest theologians Scotland has produced in a long time. Professor Macleod displays an originality of thought and sharp clarity of expression which will enable a new generation of readers to enter sympathetically into an understanding of the Reformed Faith.
A.T.B. McGowan, Former Director, Rutherford Centre for Reformed Theology, Dingwall, Scotland
"A person who does not have a formal Bible or theological education can read and enjoy Macleod."
Eric C. Redmond, Executive Pastoral Assistant and Bible Professor in Residence New Canaan Baptist Church, Washington, DC Council Member, The Gospel Coalition
" . . . a master of making difficult things seem simple, without compromising their profundity . . . Macleod is simultaneously an able apologist and a world class exegete . . . Learn from Macleod. Argue with Macleod. And then bow the knee to your Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, and worship."
Ligon Duncan, Chancellor and CEO, Reformed Theological Seminary
Donald MacLeod's A Faith To Live By is a welcome and timely reminder that the Christian faith must be proclaimed by both word and action. MacLeod's lucid presentation of The Westminster Confession of Faith is sensitively combined with contemporary application in a way that both instructs one's mind but also motivates hands and feet to hold out the word of truth to a generation that is both without God and hope.
'Donald Macleod is the people's theologian - or at least he would be in a sane world. He never loses sight for a moment that he is addressing people who are hurting or confused or ill-informed or tempted.'
Alex MacDonald, Minister of Buccleuch & Greyfriars Free Church of Scotland, Edinburgh
This outstanding theological work covers the major system of doctrine in the Westminster Confession of Faith. It originated as a series of lectures that MacLeod gave in several Scottish churches in the late 80s and early 90s. He clearly and masterfully communicates the truth of Scripture and the reformed faith.
I particularly recommend that pastors and ruling elders use this book in officer training. Not only will it whet their appetites for theological study, but will prepare them as spiritual leaders of the church to teach and apply Scripture to people's lives. It will also help them answer questions people ask as they come to an understanding of the reformed faith.
Equip for Ministry
'Here we have first rate Christian theology, exceedingly encouraging for a Christian teacher who knows a lot, and marvellous illumination for the Christian neophyte who knows nothing, but wants to learn.'