'A godly humility combined with razor sharp mind and a passion for God's Truth worked out for day to day Christian living - these are the hallmarks of Alan Stibbs. It is hoped that this book will introduce the works of a great, yet generally forgotten evangelical to a whole new generation.'
Melvin Tinker , (1955–2021), Vicar of St John’s Newland, Kingston upon Hull, England
This volume of essays and articles covers the gamut of topics from the inspiration of Scripture to the completeness of Jesus' cross-work to the primacy of preaching to the nature of the local church. I finished the volume a few years ago and can testify today that some of the essays have had a dramatic and continuing influence on me. I'm not exaggerating whatsoever when I say that I learned more about the Bible in general, and about the work of Jesus in particular, from this book than from any I've read in the last decade (at least).
Timothy Raymond, Credo Magazine
'Alan Stibbs wrote wonderfully incisively and wonderfully simply. His writings are of enduring value to any who wish to understand key topics in a biblical and godly way. To have his writings collected in this way is a great gift to God's people.'
Michael Ovey, (1958-2017) Principal, Oak Hill Theological College, London
'Alan Stibbs was insufficiently appreciated in his lifetime and has been almost forgotten since, but he was for many years the best theological mind serving British evangelicals, and his unobtrusive influence shaped many ministries decisively. This collection of his occasional writings, of which all are outstanding and some have landmark status, will reintroduce him to the discerning and will surely draw forth the admiration that is truly his due.'
J. I. Packer, (1926–2020), Board of Governors’ Professor of Theology, Regent College, Vancouver, Canada
"Alan Stibbs was a voice crying in the wilderness, a lonely evangelical scholar in a sea of liberalism. We owe him much."
John Stott, (1921-2011), Rector Emeritus, All Souls Church, Langham Place, London
"Buy the book, talk about it to others, purchase a copy for your minister and do all you can to encourage Dr. Atherstone to print more "Stibbine" material. Apart from anything else, few books can better reveal how far contemporary evangelicals are adrift in today's modern/postmodern age. It could well be the tool for their own recovery...Unconditionally recommended.
Rev Dr. J Barry Shucksmith,
"'Alan Stibbs' lucid and constructive writings are extraordinarily relevant to today's theological scene. At the time they were a very important help to many embattled evangelicals. Today little has changed in the essential theological debates and their very welcome republication can again be just as useful."
Oliver R. Barclay, (1919-2013), prominent scientist and Director of Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship (UCCF).
"...pure gold for those called to serve the churches in a teaching capacity."