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Bible Overview

Bible Overview

Steve Levy and Paul Blackham
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"With an evident love for the task, and with a delightfully light touch, Steve Levy wants to show us the glory of Christ and with plenty of fun along the way!"

William J. U. Philip, Minister, The Tron Church, Glasgow

"That it is well written and easy to read is good for starters; but the heart of the situation is the sheer happiness of meeting someone who is so in love with the Bible, so sensible in his approach..."

Alec Motyer, (1924–2016) Well known Bible expositor and commentary writer

"This is a page-turner of a book! I truly cannot think
of a better way of introducing someone to the Bible than through these wonderfully luminous chapters."

Richard Bewes, OBE (1939 – 2019), formerly of All Souls Church, Langham Place, London, England

"My prayer is that the Holy Spirit will use this lively and stimulating book by Steve Levy to remove the veil from many minds."

Stuart Olyott, Pastoral Director, Evangelical Movement of Wales

"... Steve Levy fights back to reclaim a thrilling Bible that from beginning to end speaks of Jesus. If you want more joy in your Bible reading, if you want to love Christ more, read it!"

Michael Reeves, President and Professor of Theology, Union School of Theology, Bridgend, Wales

"Steve has a fever for the Bible and is desperate to infect you! Let him."

Dale Ralph Davis, Author and Old Testament Scholar

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