"affirms the historic evangelical faith with great force, clarity and excellent judgement."
Paul Helm, Emeritus Professor of the History and Philosophy of Religion, King’s College, London
"I cannot think of a young evangelical writer and theologian whose works I more eagerly read."
Mark Dever, Senior Pastor, Capitol Hill Baptist Church and President, 9Marks.org, Washington, DC
There is a growing company of Presbyterian prophets writing these days, but Carl Trueman is the only one who is clearly enjoying himself. Minority Report is a heady blend - at its most playful when in dead earnest, effortlessly displaying its street cred when dismissing popular culture, and invaluably thought-provoking when probably wrongheaded. This is a learned, urbane, witty, and timely book in the service of orthodox Protestant thought.
Timothy Larsen, McManis Professor of Christian Thought, Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois
"The wit of an evangelical Chesterton, prophetic insight of Francis Schaeffer and the accessibility of John Stott."