"Excellent stuff for any thinking Christian parent or any thinking Christian parent or youth worker."
Ann Benton, Author and family conference speaker, Guildford, England
"Explaining why many parents and churches are losing the battle, he offers biblical insight for guiding children, not only away from bad behavior, but toward lives that display the beauty of God's spirit in his book World- proof Your Kids: Raising Children Unstained by the World."
review on www.chattanoogan.com
"Dr Sisemore's clear, biblical theology is the anvil that has shaped and informed his own professional practice in child psychology. Avoiding the sentimentality of so much contemporary thinking, he is utterly realistic about the falleness of human nature, yet equally sure of the richness of book personally, and as a pastor I reccomend it warmly to all who want to nurture children in the true gospel faith. Digested and applied, it will help us to bring our children for Christ in a hostile world as he wants us to - in faith not fear."
William J. U. Philip, Minister, The Tron Church, Glasgow
"I found this book not only challenging, but deeply encouraging as it shows how the truth and power of the Word of God can be effective in everyday situations...I have found it helpful to use the different chapters as a basis for my own daily prayers for our family. I would strongly recommend it to other parents."