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1 KingsThe Wisdom And the Folly

1 Kings

The Wisdom And the Folly

Dale Ralph Davis
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1 Kings is a continuation of a narrative of the history of Israel which begins in 1 Samuel and continues through into 1 & 2 Kings.
While we so often struggle with the events and issues of the book of 1st Kings, Ralph Davis helps us to see how it we can apply to the contemporary settings of the 21st century. As usual Ralph Davis uses pastoral application and laces it with his own sense of humour. He is noted for tackling scholarship head on.

Dale Ralph Davis

About Dale Ralph Davis

Dale Ralph Davis is a renowned Bible teacher who lives in rural Tennessee. He has been a pastor in various churches and was Professor of Old Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, Mississippi.



... The author has a clear grasp of both the text and of contemporary scholarship, yet presents a commentary which is not only readable but witty, and share in application. The commentary chapters are each little sermons, with headings ready-made. The section on Jeroboam's golden calves is entitled "Bootleg Religion" and its three headings are: The Need for False Religion, The Subtlety of False Religion, The Stupidity of False Religion. It is almost too tempting for the preacher to follow this pattern rather than preach his own sermon! But these books should not be restricted only to preachers. They are very helpful commentaries for the general reader and for devotional use.

Reformation Today

... It is all very readable, clear and not inaccessibly transatlantic. There are a subject index, a persons index, and a Bible persons index. Refreshing and recommended

The Churchman Journal
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