Released in the UK May 2008
Released in the US July 2008
Large trade paperback | 352 Pages
9781845502515 • £11.99 $17.99
BISAC – REL006060
1 Kings is a continuation of a narrative of the history of Israel which begins in 1 Samuel and continues through into 1 & 2 Kings.
While we so often struggle with the events and issues of the book of 1st Kings, Ralph Davis helps us to see how it we can apply to the contemporary settings of the 21st century. As usual Ralph Davis uses pastoral application and laces it with his own sense of humour. He is noted for tackling scholarship head on.
Dale Ralph Davis
Dale Ralph Davis is a renowned Bible teacher who lives in rural Tennessee. He has been a pastor in various churches and was Professor of Old Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, Mississippi.
9781845501440 |
9781527102309 |
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"The range of scholarship is extraordinary (is there any learned book or paper on First Kings that this writer has not winkled out?), His humour and humanity, plus a priceless American-style turn of phrase, add relish to the dish. Here is a safe and strong pair of hands to guide new, and older, readers through the treasure - and the uninspiring bits - of First Kings."
Dick Lucas
Formerly Rector of St Helen's Bishopsgate, London
... It is all very readable, clear and not inaccessibly transatlantic. There are a subject index, a persons index, and a Bible persons index. Refreshing and recommended
"One of the reasons I enjoy Davis's exposition so much is that I feel confident that he has done his exegetical homework, and so is not just delivering blessed, unhistorical thoughts on the text. Yet at the same time, he applies the text so well."
Simon Gathercole
Director of Studies, Theology and Religious Studies, Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge University, Cambridge
"No preacher should be without them. No thoughtful Christian can fail to be excited and edified by them. Hence I hurried to get a review copy of his work on 1 Kings. As with his other Old Testament commentaries, the author is able to mix page-turning writing skills which make for easy reading, with the most rigorous and orthodox scholarship."
Evangelicals Now