Christmas Gifting 2023
It’s that time of the year where shameless self–promotion clouds the screens of the populous. Here in the marketing department of CFP, we’d love to share some of the titles we, and the sales team, have picked out as favourites for this year. Along with new voices (Hello William Wilberforce!) we’ve a selection of old favourites, children’s classics, and sweet calls to remember our Heavenly Father in the midst of the chaos.

It’s that time of the year where shameless self–promotion clouds the screens of the populous. Here in the marketing department of CFP, we’d love to share some of the titles we, and the sales team, have picked out as favourites for this year. Along with new voices (Hello William Wilberforce!) we’ve a selection of old favourites, children’s classics, and sweet calls to remember our Heavenly Father in the midst of the chaos.
All these titles are available by clicking through on this page. However, if you’re in the UK and looking for a good deal, our partners in local bookshops would love to see you come in to taste their deals. Many of these partners have online stores, where you can grab a copy in the midst of your Christmas shopping!
Daily Readings: William Wilberforce
William Wilberforce is probably best known as the leader of the parliamentary campaign for the abolition of the slave trade in the United Kingdom. Michael D. McMullen has worked extensively on the life and manuscripts of Wilberforce and has carefully selected these daily readings to help readers not only know the man better, but also to point their eyes to the God whom he served. These words that he wrote to challenge and encourage himself will do the same for a new generation of readers.
Come & Behold Him
The basic outline of the Christmas story is so familiar we might think we have no more to learn from it. But try looking at the Christmas story through different eyes. Through the eyes of Micah and Isaiah who foretold it; Anna and Simeon who witnessed it; and Paul and John who reflected on it. Wonder anew at this amazing story of the birth of the Son of God as a baby
The History of Christmas
Come alongside the men and women from the past as they try to figure out how Christmas should, or should not, be celebrated. Let the story of Jesus remind you of the real reason we celebrate at this time of year – that the Son of God was born as a baby and then lived and died to save sinners. As you think about Christmas may you be drawn closer to Christ and inspired to show His love to those around you.
Featuring scripture readings, discussion questions, recipes, and activities.
Jesus, the Best Baby
This beautiful, colourfully illustrated board book is perfect for babies and toddlers. It gives a simple introduction to the story of Jesus – from his birth to his death. Find out about him and how he is the very best!
Mary the Best Girl
Mary was just a girl. She gave birth to Jesus, God’s Son. This is the story of a special girl who gave birth to the most special person ever. She wasn’t perfect but her baby Son was. He was born to save people from their sins.
Jesus, the Best Friend
The best friend ever will never leave you. Jesus is the friend you can always trust. He is caring and loving and strong. Find out about Jesus who can be your friend and Saviour. He is the very best.
The Little Hands Story Bible
There is a story that runs throughout the whole Bible. It’s one that will never end and that you can be a part of. It’s a story of love, and sometimes of despair, but ultimately, it’s a story of hope. A hope that you can share. Each of the 69 stories includes scripture references, a question that focuses on the story, something to spot in the lovely pictures and an idea to stay with you through the day.
Pilgrim’s Progress
John Bunyan could be said to have authored one of the most influential books in the English language. But ‘The Pilgrim’s Progress’ is so much more than an historical novel. Bunyan’s imaginative text brings out the same, practical, necessary lessons that everyone needs to know – both today and yesterday.
Additional features and study sections have been included to help today’s generation of children to understand the book. A small number of archaic words have been changed to modern equivalents and there is a dictionary and footnotes to provide additional help. Aside from this, Christian and Faithful still talk with medieval cadences yet are comprehensive to younger, 21st century
What Jesus Did
Since before the beginning of time God has been at work. He created the world; He promised to send a saviour; and He sent his Son to die for us. With these 31 devotions and prayers you will see the impact of the life of Christ from before Creation to the Resurrection. The author first presented these messages as children’s talks in The First Presbyterian Church in Columbia, South Carolina.
How Jesus Cares
First told as children’s talks, Sinclair Ferguson’s devotionals allow young Christians a window of insite into Christ’s care, His Sovereignty and His Holiness. When we read God’s Word and see the wonder of who Jesus is and what he has done we see that God’s Son has given us his very best. His love and care for us took him to the Cross for us.
How Christmas Can Change Your Life
Christmas – it’s the most wonderful time of the year. Films, TV shows and commercials tell us that everything is great, everyone is happy, even the weather is obliging. But sometimes underneath all the sparkle our hearts have questions. Josh Moody takes the ten most commonly asked questions about Christmas, and shows that better than all the happiness is the true joy of Christmas.
A Greater Glory
Premier league footballer turned pastor Gavin Peacock tells the story of his career and his faith in this fascinating, thought–provoking and personal read. In his riveting autobiography follow Gavin’s journey from a child growing up in a footballing family to Chelsea captain; from a son following in his father’s footsteps to a husband and father supporting his own family; from pundit to preacher.
Faith Undaunted
Christian faith is a matter for the emotions, but also a matter for the intellect. The late Professor Donald MacLeod delves into not only what he believes, but why he believes, and how that belief affects how he lives his life. Arguing for the importance of reason and logic in personal faith, he equips the reader to resist relativist influences that are permeating the twenty–first–century church. Winsomely written, MacLeod shows once again why he is a beloved teacher and writer.
Despite the widespread rejection of Christianity in our culture, many people are still fascinated by angels .But what we can know for sure about angels? Are we dependant on second–hand accounts? Are we left with conjecture and guess work? This book goes back to the most reliable source we have for information about angels – God Himself speaking through the Bible.
We all have questions about Jesus, the Bible, the Christian faith and our culture today. The great news is that Jesus gives answers. These questions were gathered from teenagers in fifteen countries in five different continents. All of them are real questions from real teenagers.
The main aim of this book is that you, the reader, come to see and know better the One who is the Answer, Jesus Christ.
Lots of people are seeking something. Some are seeking things that don’t exist (like the Loch Ness monster), others are simply seeking happiness. Jesus promises that those who seek God will find him. And this book will help you on the way to seeking him. Ask questions. Engage with the answers. Think through these issues for yourself.
This engaging follow–up to the popular A.S.K. takes 52 new questions from real teenagers. Covering issues from society, education, the Bible, theology, God, each short chapter contains a question, a Bible passage, a verse, a discussion, something to consider, further reading and a prayer.
A Certain Brightness and Brightest and Best
The devotions in A Certain Brightness are short, encouraging, and a reminder of the light when everything seems dark. Philippa Ruth Wilson has begun each chapter with a five–word Bible phrase that is easily memorised and ended with a prayer.
Brightest and Best, also by Wilson and following the tones of her previous book, is a 31–day Advent devotional built around the words of well–loved carols will bring comfort and hope in the darkest time of the year.
When we think about blessings, we often think about material gifts that God has provided. These are indeed things to be grateful for, but these are things that God has given to all people – what are the additional blessings we receive because we are his? With one chapter for each week of the year, Larry Dixon calls his readers to ponder the blessings within our Christian life.
66 Books; One Story
If you’ve read the Bible, you probably know some of the important battles, a good chunk of the life of Jesus, maybe a Psalm or two – but what do you know about the minor prophets and the epistles? Do you have some loose ends that need tying up? This is where a book like this helps. The Bible has one author – God – so we need to see the Bible as a whole, as God’s Word. Every book of the Bible is the breath of God and the plan of Salvation spans all of Scripture. In this Bible overview each book of the Bible is summarised; background given; themes and theology explained.
Meeting Christ in the Garden
The Song of Songs paints in our imaginations a physical place where we may spend time with Christ and enjoy his love. The language of human love is intended to evoke an experience of divine love and inspire in us a response of love. It channels our desires to their true end, our Creator and Redeemer. In this 90–day undated devotional Tim Chester has curated a selection of writings from classic authors such as Gregory the Great, Richard Sibbes, Hudson Taylor, Charles Spurgeon, and many others, that will help readers to know Christ’s love better.