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Assurance Of Faith

Margaret Roberts

Dr. Joel Beeke, president of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, describes himself as a compulsive writer. “I have often felt closest to God when I write,” he explains. His newest book, Knowing and Growing in Assurance of Faith is the 100th book he has written or co–authored.

This is a work that has bloomed from years of study and passion. Beeke studied the subject intensely for several years while pursuing his PhD degree from Westminster Seminary in Philadelphia. He eventually published his doctoral dissertation on the topic and later somewhat simplified the content as a 400+ page academic book. Knowing and Growing in Assurance of Faith now makes this critical subject matter accessible for the layperson.


From the preface:

What is assurance of faith? Assurance of faith is the convication that one belongs to Christ through faith and will enjoy everlasting salvation. A person who has assurance not only believes in Christ’s righteousness as his salvation but knows that he believes and that he is graciously chosen, loved, and forgiven by God the Father for the sake of Christ Jesus, who has died for him and continues to pray for him in heaven. Such a person knows the Holy Spirit has regenerated him and continues to sanctify him. In other words, he believes not only the facts of grace, but he also believes that these facts apply to him personally – that he has a personal interest in the gospel and that all the blessings proclaimed in the gospel are his.


What endorsers have said:

‘Here is a book that will bring comforting peace, thrilling joy, and a defiant hope to the heart of any child of God battered by waves of unbelief in the high seas of life. Read it and be blessed!’

Conrad Mbewe, Pastor of Kabwata Baptist Church, Lusaka, Zambia

‘I’m delighted to see this book make Dr. Beeke’s expertise more widely accessible, and hope that many more will now benefit from it as I did. To be fruitful, healthy and happy in Christ, Christians need to know the truths laid out for us here.’

Michael Reeves, President and Professor of Theology, Union School of Theology, Oxford, England

‘Here is a book that every person should read, whether they are a believer or an unbeliever. Joel Beeke has once again done a masterful job of presenting a thorough biblical case on this important subject.’

Steven J. Lawson, President, OnePassion Ministries and Professor of Preaching,The Master’s Seminary, Sun Valley, California

‘Here in this book, with perspicuity and simplicity, and informed by a lifetime of reflection and study of this subject, Dr Beeke lays out the New Testament witness that so thrilled the hearts of the Reformers and our Evangelical forebears. I highly recommend it.’ 

Michael A. G. Haykin, Professor of Church History and Biblical Spirituality, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky


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