Happy Thanksgiving to our American readers. In honor of this special day, we wanted to share this quote from Stephen Charnock. It reminds us of the love and thankfulness due God for our crucified Redeemer.
Evidence of His Love We love him, because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19
Let us be thankful to God for a crucified Redeemer. There is nothing in heaven or earth which is such an amazing wonder as this; nothing can vie with it for excellence. All love and thankfulness is due to God, who has given us His Son, not only to live, but to die for us a death so shameful, a death so accursed, a death so sharp, that we might be repossessed of the happiness we had lost. All love and thankfulness is due to Christ, who did not only pay a small sum for us as our surety, but bowed His soul to death, to raise us to life, was numbered among transgressors, that we might have a room among the blessed. Our crimes merited our sufferings, but His own mercy made Him a sufferer for us; for us He sweat those drops of blood, for us He trod the wine-press alone, for us He assuaged the rigor of divine justice, for us, who were not only miserable, but offending creatures, and overwhelmed with more sins to be hated, than with misery to be pitied. He was crucified for us by His love, who deserved to die by His power, and laid the highest obligation upon us, who had laid the highest offenses upon Him. This death is the ground of all our good; whatever we have, is a fruit that grew upon the cross...Nothing is such an evidence of His love as His cross; the miracles He wrought, and the cures He performed in the time of His life, were nothing to the kindness of His death, wherein He was willing to be accounted worse than a murderer in His punishment, that He might thereby effect our deliverance.