Christian Focus Across the Web highlights important news and blog posts related to our books. This week’s highlights are below:
"The Song of Solomon is not a book I have spent a lot of time in or one I am that familiar with. I had always thought it was a book of the Bible, almost separated from the rest, for married couples only. Reading this book by Mr. MacLean truly opened my eyes to what I had been missing by neglecting careful study of this book."
"I believe there is sufficient warrant for Maclean’s reading the Song of Solomon devotionally and spiritually as about “Christ and his people” and I find him a steady guide into “the immeasurable riches of [God’s] grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus” (Ephesians 2.7). Theologically broad and accurate! Devotionally warm and rich! Pastorally profitable! Christ-centered! Gospel-driven! Get this book, go aside from the hustle and bustle, sit and read and ponder. Wonder! And worship!"
“The Shorter Catechism Activity Book is a unique and interesting resource that should prove helpful to those wishing to encourage kids to interact with the text of the Westminster Shorter Catechism. My daughter has eagerly anticipated working out the puzzles in this book each day, and it has provoked some excellent discussions as she has asked me to explain various words and concepts. I am very grateful to have this useful resource to complement our studies!”
“I think this is a fabulous tool for teaching kids about God’s Word – especially if they are already into puzzles and stuff. If you were working on memorizing the catechism with your children, this would be a great way to introduce each reading.”
“if your particular view of Christianity encourages learning the Westminster Shorter Catechism, this book is a helpful tool in your arsenal. It is worth an extra look.”
"Ultimately, I found this to be a solid resource. If you are teaching or plan to teach your children The Shorter Catechism this puzzle book is a great tool to mix things up and keep things fun. We all enjoyed this fun, God-glorifying resource and would certainly recommend it to other families."