Christian Focus Across the Web highlights important news and blog posts related to our books. This week’s highlights are below:
Mystery of the Lord's Supper Sermons by Robert BruceMystery of the Lord's Supper: Sermons by Robert Bruce now available for Kindle - Robert Bruce preached these sermons on the sacrament in 1589 at Giles Cathedral where he was a successor to John Knox. He gives us a powerful conception through the Lord's supper of the saving work of Jesus Christ. This modern edition has been translated and edited by T. F. Torrance. This wonderful book is now available for Kindle and is available at a special price of $4.99 for a limited time.
History Lives Box Set by Mindy and Brandon WithrowLESSONS FROM WRITING A YA HISTORY (PART 1) - Over at his blog, Brandon Withrow is sharing about what he learned while he and his wife Mindy were writing the History Lives Series. You'll have a chance to learn more of the story behind these great books and find out how he was personally impacted through the writing process. Part 1 of this blog series is available here: LINK.