A Great Resource For Sermon Preparation and Self-Study - The Mentor Expository Commentary Series
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The Mentor Expository Commentary Series is for pastors and Bible teachers who want to draw on Christ-centered expository teaching and for the lay reader who wants to delve more deeply into the riches of the Word of God. Volumes currently available include Galatians by Terry L. Johnson and Revelation by Douglas F. Kelly.
Praise For The Mentor Expository Commentary Series:
"What a great blessing it is for the church to regain clarity about the message of Revelation! Kelly's commentary will prove invaluable in restoring this vital message to the pulpits of our churches and the lives of suffering believers." -Richard D Phillips ~ Senior Minister, Second Presbyterian Church, Greenville, South Carolina
"The church, including the Western church and the global South in the global Eastern Church, need to read the book of Revelation now more than ever. Let Douglas Kelly be your guide. I commend the book and I commend the publisher for such a time as this." -Michael Milton ~ President and Professor of Practical Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte, North Carolina
"Johnson's commentary is essential reading for preachers and lay folk alike." -Derek Thomas ~ Minister of Preaching and Teaching, First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, South Carolina
"Johnson clearly explains some of the most difficult passages in Scripture, stalwartly defends evangelical doctrines such "justification by faith alone," -Greg Gilbert ~ Senior Pastor, Third Avenue Baptist Church, Louisville, Kentucky, Author of What is the Gospel?
"Johnson’s volume is very much, though, worth reading and consulting; particularly by those wishing to consult a reliable guide to a fascinating biblical book." -Jim West, Quartz Hill School of Theology
Where to Buy:
The Mentor Expository Commentary Series is available at any good Christian bookstore. If you don’t have a Christian bookstore near you, you may want to consider purchasing a copy from one of the online book retailers listed below:
Buy Now: Christian Focus Amazon Barnes & Noble 10ofThose ChristianBook.com WTS Books
Buy Now: Christian Focus Amazon Barnes & Noble 10ofThose ChristianBook.com WTS Books