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RevelationA Mentor Expository Commentary


A Mentor Expository Commentary

Douglas F. Kelly
  • £24.99
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There is so much in the past, present and future that we do not understand. The book of Revelation helps us understand who is in full and sovereign control, the victorious Lamb on his throne. And what a great unveiling of the glorious Saviour is revealed in this apocalyptic book! In 65 expositional chapters, Douglas Kelly draws our attention to the central theme of this profound book – the Lord Jesus Christ himself. The Mentor Expository Series holds to an inerrant view of Scripture. The series is thoroughly researched with helpful practical application. This is a resource for pastors and Bible teachers who want to draw on Christ–centered expository teaching and for the lay reader who wants to delve more deeply into the riches of the Word of God.

Douglas F. Kelly

About Douglas F. Kelly

Douglas F. Kelly is Professor of Theology Emeritus, Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte, North Carolina.



Written from a semi-preterist point of view, Dr. Kelly provides both theological and pastoral insights of great consequence to John's apocalyptic vision that often puzzles its readers. Highly recommended.

Derek W. H. Thomas, Teaching Fellow, Ligonier Ministries; Retired Senior Minister, First Presbyterian Church (ARP), Columbia, South Carolina

"The beauty, fragrance, majesty, grace and omnipotent power of 'the Lamb of God, slain before the foundation of the world' has at times all but overwhelmed me! Revelation is primarily about Jesus Christ; He is the hero of all ages. Satan, though real enough, is finally a minor note in this divinely orchestrated symphony. My zeal has never been so much for any millennial theory, as it is for HIM, and going through this Apocalypse has only increased that zeal."

Douglas F. Kelly, Professor of Theology Emeritus, Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte, North Carolina
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