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Christian Focus Across the Web - August 10, 2012

Gavin MacKenzie

Christian Focus Across the Web highlights important news and blog posts related to our books. This week’s highlights are below:

Danika Cooley Reviews Guarding the Treasure - At her Thinking Kids Blog, Danika Cooley shares about the experience of reading Guarding the Treasure: How God's People Preserve Gods Word by Linda Finlayson (CF4K, 2011) to her boys. Here's a bit of what she had to say:

"Linda Finlayson’s Guarding the Treasure: How God’s People Preserve God’s Word is a fantastic resource for children ages 7-12!  My boys have been uncharacteristically still during our read-alouds as we’ve explored the stories of people throughout history who have defended, translated, and spread the Word of God."

"Guarding the Treasure is book 1 in a new series:  Defenders of the Faith.  I have no idea what the rest of the series will cover, but count me in as an enthusiastic new fan!  I might even be willing to stand in line at midnight for the next new release."

Danika's full blog post is available here: LINK.

Royal Company: A Devotional on Song of Solomon by Malcolm MacLean
Royal Company: A Devotional on Song of Solomon by Malcolm MacLean
Royal Company Reviewed on the Ninety Six and Ten Blog - Be sure to check out this thorough review of Royal Company: A Devotional on the Song of Solomon by Malcolm Maclean (Christian Focus, 2012). Here's the opening paragraph to whet your appetite:

"First off, it’s safe to read. None of that sacrilegious misinterpretation that you get from, inter alia, that silly little man on ‘Mars Hill’, whose profanities once encountered remain impossible to scrub completely out of your mind. In Mr Maclean’s treatment, the Song is only one kind of poetic version of the same idea as is found all throughout the rest of the Scriptures, that the life of faith is an interaction between the soul and heaven, elsewhere portrayed as the relationship between anything from parent, shepherd, or potter, and child, sheep, or clay. If these images represent how the Saviour cares for his people and guides them and shapes them, then the Song shows us his love for them, and how they love him because he first loved them."

You can finish reading the review at the Ninety Six and Ten Blog.

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