Christian Focus Across the Web highlights important news and blog posts related to our books. This week’s highlights are below:
"From this book, a new picture emerges of Matthew Henry—a man that is more than the sum of his writings. He was one who was supremely committed to God, his Word, and his people. In this way, he serves as a model for men even today. Harman brings this out well in his book. He writes in a clear, direct way, which moves along the historical parts and keeps the synthesis of Henry’s ministry influence clear. I highly recommend this book."
"Men like Matthew Henry provide an example for Christians to be people of conviction, to remain steadfast and to steadily grow in godliness, and be faithful in our ministries, knowing that God’s Word never returns void and will always accomplish that which is sets out to do, to convict the hearts of men, women and children, and point them to the truth and beauty of Jesus Christ. I recommend you to pick up a copy of Matthew Henry His Life and Influence by Allan Harman, and read it, because doing so will help you to learn about a man who stood fast on the Word of God and proclaimed the Truth about the Son of God—the Lord Jesus Christ."
The full list of reviews in the blog tour can be found here: LINK.
"It is well worth taking time to read this book carefully, looking up Bible references, and making a note of the argument as it develops. I found that it was on reading this book a second time that the truths began to sink in deeply. (It is only short!)This book will lead you to a deeper understanding and appreciation of ‘the precious blood of Christ’."
Jonty's full review can be found here: LINK.