"I picked up this small book because I had so thoroughly enjoyed another of the author’s works Listen Up! A practical guide to listening to sermons. I am so glad I did. This is one of the best books on preaching that I have read in a long time."
"Don’t allow the size of this book convince you that it doesn’t have much to offer. This reviewer has barely scratched the surface. Preachers of the Word need the edification this book provides."
George WhitefieldReview of George Whitefield: The Voice that Woke the World on the Se7en Blog - We're always excited to see reviews from the wonderful homeschool family who blogs at www.se7en.org.za. They recently finished George Whitefield: The Voice that Woke the World from our Trailblazers series. In this review, they share their thoughts on the book as well as some important reasons to read Christian biographies. Take a few minutes to read their review (complete with great artwork) at the Se7en Blog.