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Notable and Quotable - Thomas Goodwin on Christ's Continual Saving Work

Gavin MacKenzie

...the whole work of our salvation, first and last, and every part of it, every step and degree of accomplishment of it, should be so ordered as he should continue still to have as great and continual a hand in every part, even to the laying of the top stone thereof, as he had in laying the first foundation and corner stone thereof. And this you have expressed, "Looking to Jesus the pioneer and finisher of our faith," (Heb. 12:2)...So that we are to look upon our Mediator Christ, as doing as much work for us in heaven at this instant, as ever he did on earth; here suffering, but there praying and presenting his sufferings. All his work was not done, when he had done here; that work here was indeed the harder piece of the two, yet soon dispatched; but his work in heaven, though sweeter far, yet lies on his hands for ever; therefore let us leave out none of these in our believing on him. (126-127)

Excerpted from Christ Set Forth by Thomas Goodwin (Christian Heritage, 2011).

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