365 Great Bible Stories is available at the following online retailers: ChristianBook.com, Cumberland Valley Books, Monergism Books, 10ofthose.com, BarnesandNoble.com or Amazon.com.
About the Author:
Carine Mackenzie’s talent for retelling Bible stories has meant that children from all over the world have been given the opportunity to discover Jesus Christ for themselves. The first title written in the kitchen with the assistance of a basin of water has inspired the production of many other books. Carine's 150th book 365 Great Bible Stories was released in September. She has sales of over 3 million books. She stays in Inverness, Scotland.
Praise for 365 Great Bible Stories:
"365 Great Bible Stories: The Good News of Jesus from Genesis to Revelation by Carine Mackenzie is a fantastic book, not just for young children, but for people of all ages. I happily welcome this addition to my library and I look forward to reading it to my daughter and any other children the Lord may bless us with. I trust that this book will entertain young children as it is read aloud, and also inform children as they read it for themselves. This is no mere storybook, there are important truths strewn throughout; this is truly a premier discipleship resource full of sound theology and practical wisdom."~Timothy Harris - pursuingthefruit.blogspot.com
"While there is no replacement for the living and active Word of God, it is helpful to have resources to help our children see the redemptive storyline of the Bible. 365 Great Bible Stories is another helpful resource to that end. It can be used by itself or along with a Bible to help bring greater clarity to the Truth in God's Word and the message of salvation."~Elizabeth Hankins - www.hankinsfamily.com