Christian Focus Across the Web highlights important news and blog posts related to our books. This week’s highlights are below:
"Do you have the gift of mercy? If you do…this book will be right up your ally. You’ll love the practical insights it offers to women who have a strong urge to help other women in crisis…and it will resonate with your own heart of compassion.Do you NOT have the gift of mercy? (That would be me.) Then you need a book like this to convict your spirit…and inspire a tender heart and desire to grow in kindness."
The review is available in its entirety here: LINK. Please visit to learn about I am My Sister's Keeper and many other great titles by Denise George.
Dorothy's recent book Touched by Greatness: Women in the Life of Moses (Christian Focus, 2011) looks at the women who influenced the life of Moses and how they were guided by God to bring his plans to pass. As you read about their lives you will discover the unique role women have to be mightily used of God.
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