What is our motivation for serving Jesus? Is it so that we might have good health and be wealthy? Galatians 1 tells us that the wealth or health prosperity gospel is no gospel at all! However what we can find is fullness in Christ and in him we find that indeed God is enough for us!
This easy to read book addresses key themes that span global cultures, including:
- The prosperity gospel myth
- Satisfaction, contentment and joy
- Fulfillment and purpose
Did you know that the blood of Christ is mentioned more times in the New Testament than the cross or even the death of Christ? But what is the significance of this fact? What does it tell us about the sacrifice of Christ and how does this emphasis on his blood help us in understanding the finished work of Christ on the cross? Alan Stibbs dispels any misconceptions that people may have about Jesus' blood and its work by examining the Old and New Testament. The author gives us the Biblical understanding of the meaning of the blood which equates to the purposeful and effective laying down of a life. We will find that indeed His Blood Works!
Through some of the best-loved heroines of the Christian faith, God's glory is manifest as He accomplishes significant things through imperfect people. In Women of Faith readers discover the remarkable stories of Susanna Wesley, Fanny Crosby, Catherine Booth, Mary Slessor and Corrie ten Boom. Their lives spanned three centuries and their circumstances were each very different, but steadfast faith and courage is the constant resounding theme for each.