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Christian Focus Across the Web - May 6, 2011

Gavin MacKenzie

Christian Focus Across the Web highlights important news and blog posts related to our books. This week’s highlight is below:

50% off of Feminine Threads:  Women in the Tapestry of Christian History by Diana Lynn Severance

From commoner to queen, the women in this book embraced the freedom and the power of the Gospel in making their unique contributions to the unfolding of history. Wherever possible, the women here speak for themselves, from their letters, diaries or published works. The true story of women in Christian history inspires, challenges and demonstrates the grace of God producing much fruit throughout time.

Westminster Bookstore is offering this great new release for for 50% off through Tuesday May 10, 2011.  click here to take advantage of this great savings!


Review of Peril and Peace, Volume 1: Chronicles of the Ancient Church at Aslan's Library

Earlier this week Sarah shared her review of Peril & Peace, Volume 1: Chronicles of the Ancient Church at Aslan's Library.  Here is a brief excerpt from her review:

The Withnows’ book is historically solid (just check the bibliography at the end!) and clearly animated by a love for the saints who have gone before. I think I won’t be waiting another year to read the next one.

Your can read the review in its entirety here:  LINK

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