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William WilberforceThe Freedom Fighter

William Wilberforce

The Freedom Fighter

Derick Bingham
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‘No! No! cried the little boy, ‘Please no! I want to stay with my Mother!’ ‘Be quiet!’ shouted the man who roughly pulled his mother from him. 

This was the fate of thousands of women and children in the days before slavery was abolished. One man fought to bring freedom and relief from the terrors of the slave trade; it took him forty–five years. His name was William Wilberforce.


This is his exciting story that shows the amazing effect his faith in Christ and his love for people had on transforming a nation.


The Trailblazer series collects great stories from Christians of the past and delivers them to the young people of today.  This gripping and astonishing story from Derek Bingham will challenge young readers to follow God like William Wilberforce did.


A well–known and long–standing series:

  • Over 50 titles
  • Great for ages 9 to 14
  • Published in 14 languages
  • Half a million books sold
  • Also available in box sets when one book is not enough! 7 themed box sets, each with 5 books

Each biography follows the trailblazer’s journey to faith, and on to the work that God had planned for them. With lots of dialogue, these engaging stories show how God uses normal individuals to bring about his purpose.


Each book features:

  • Thinking Further Topics for each chapter to help readers think about how what they’ve read applies to their life today
  • Timeline of important events in the lifetime of each book’s subject
Derick Bingham

About Derick Bingham

Derick Bingham was the teaching pastor at Christchurch, Belfast. He was also an Adjunct Professor of English Literature at the John Brown University and a Fellow of the Royal Society for Arts. A popular author and well known public speaker Derick passed away on the 6th of March 2010 following a long battle with Leukemia.


  • Author: Derick Bingham
  • Release Date: March 2015
  • Pages: 144
  • Format: Pocket paperback
  • Dimensions: 178 x 110
  • ISBN: 9781857923711
  • Imprint: CF4Kids
  • Category: History & Biography > Biography
  • Series: Trail Blazers
  • Read to me: 8–9
  • Read Myself: 9–14


Wilberforce has fascinated and confused biographers and historians for centuries – how did this hilarious, spontaneous, chaotic and conspicuously gracious man change the world? Christians have delighted in his attachment to their gospel and have hoped that the silver stream of world–changing inspiration was divine. And now at last, in these pages, Wilberforce can speak for himself – and the conclusion is luminous: Jesus Christ once said that people would be fruitful as they abide in him. In these pages we see a man, an undeniably fruitful man, abiding in Christ.  Believers will find a brother travelling the path that they have known, and will be inspired to press on, rejoicing by faith in the One who brings fruit into sight. I can’t think of a more thrilling or important publication from the last ten years.

Ben Virgo, Director, Christian Heritage London

"This week I was invited to speak at the Scottish Story telling Centre on the royal mile in Edinburgh. Through its partnership with the Scottish Storytelling Forum, the centre supports a national network of storytellers. It is involved in outreach projects with local authorities, environmental agencies, community centres and libaries, engaging with all age groups and diverse cultures of modern Scotland and providing opportunities for the socially and educationally excluded to take part in community-based inclusive cultural experiences.
As the flagship of the network, the centre strives to reinforce Scotland's vigorous contribution to a world-wide revival of interest in storytelling and story-telling traditions.
The centre highlights the fact that 'Storytelling happens when the story is told live without print or technology'. I had none and found myself facing an overflowing crowd from four Edinburgh schools with many of them sitting around my feet on the stage. There is no audience in the world that let's you know how you are doing like an audience of Children. My story was about the freedom fighter himself, William Wilberforce.
I traced Wilberforces life through his childhood to University where he wasted a lot of precious time. I spoke of the influence of the Rev. John Newton upon Wilberforce's life where he approached him for advice as an young MP. I spoke of his desire to trust and follow Jesus Christ and how he became the conscience of the the nation in his formidable and horrendously despised campaign to abolish slavery. The Children listened closely as I told them that the United Nations now tells that there is more slavery in our world than in Wilberforces day. I encouraged them with the fact that maybe one of them could get involved in helping to rid the world of slavery.
The story ended and I went upstairs to engage with the children. They crowded me and one girl stuck her head through the crowd. 'I have two questions' she said 'one: could Wilberforce be a woman? Two: Could one person change the world?'
My, the things children ask! Could Wilberforce be a woman? certainly. Can one person change the world? I would say 'One person cannot change the world but you can change the world for one person.'
The World can then be changed one person at a time!"

Derick Bingham, Was the teaching pastor at Christchurch, Belfast
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