Released in the UK September 2006
Released in the US November 2006


Pocket paperback | 96 Pages
Read to me: 5-6
Read Myself: 7-10
9781845501822 • £4.99 $6.99

BISAC – JUV033010

Anna Banana

Nancy Gorrell

Anna is absolutely, terribly, very annoyed with Corey Redmond! Pesky boy!
Corey calls her Anna Banana and Anna does not like it one teeny-weeny bit!
Corey even snatches Rose from Anna's loving arms and throws the doll in the air and whacks her on the floor. Pesky, pesky boy!

There is no way that Anna is going to invite HIM to her birthday party! But Anna has to learn a lesson about forgiveness.

Become friends with Corey and Anna as they become friends with one another and with God.

Other Anna stories included in this book:

Right in the Night: Anna learns a lesson about Trust

Cool Jewel: Anna learns a lesson about Gratitude.

If you enjoyed this you'll enjoyed Corey's Story (9781845502584).

Nancy Gorrell
Nancy Gorrell takes great delight in telling about the Christian faith in simple ways for children to understand. She lives with her husband and family in California and teaches in a Christian school there.

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