Released in the UK March 2011
Released in the US May 2011
Large trade paperback | 224 Pages
9781857924145 • £8.99 $13.99
BISAC – REL067100
Pink is acknowledged as one of the deeper thinkers of his era on subjects of doctrine and Christian living. He felt only able to write this book after studying the subject for over 25 years; previous to this he felt he was too immature and unscriptural.
The Doctrine of Sanctification is a dividing line between Roman Catholic and Celtic notions of holiness on the one hand, and the reformed evangelical view on the other. Clear and incisive, Pink is not sidetracked by the post–modern interpretations of holiness invading the Christian church.
A. W. Pink
A. W. Pink (1886–1952) was born in England and converted in his 20s. He was called to a pastorate in Colorado until 1921, after which he decided to concentrate on writing and speaking at conferences. The next year he started a monthly magazine ‘Studies in the Scriptures’ which he edited until his death.
9781781919064 |
9781871676051 |
9781845506476 |
9781527112223 |
"A superficial examination of the scriptures will reveal that holiness is the opposite of sin, yet the realisation of this at once conducts us into the realm of mystery, for how can persons be sinful and holy at one and the same time? It is this difficulty that so deeply exercises the true saints ..."
A. W. Pink
(1886–1952), Pastor, Conference speaker & writer.