Released in the UK May 2006
Released in the US July 2006
Large trade paperback | 336 Pages
9781845501754 • £8.99 $12.99
BISAC – REL067000
Crime, famine, disease, war, earthquakes, floods; we open our newspapers, or switch on our television sets, and are confronted with pain and suffering in the world. And that doesn't include a myriad of lesser hurts: daily ones which, while they don't show up on the news, tear at us nonetheless - relationship breakdowns, disloyalty, rejection.
We all experience pain and evil to some extent and are affected by others who experience it as well. Our suffering is made worse by being unable to understand or explain why it is happening - Where is God in this? Why doesn't he do something? Is he cruel? Is he there?
Even many Christians, who should know some of the answers, can only offer pop-theology clichés to the question of 'Why bad things happen?' Can't we be more helpful than that?
We should have more confidence. The Bible sheds light on the ultimate resolution of the problem of evil, a problem so central to human experience. Dr. Morley explores how there can be a God who is loving, just and righteous in spite of the fact that the world is full of pain and evil.
Are you putting the blame in the right place? Morley looks at the major reasons for pain and evil: investigating misconceptions about God and illness, the origins of poverty, birth defects and the causes of war. You will be gripped by the thought-provoking nature of his arguments and enlightened by a coping strategy for pain and evil - one that builds a fully-connected world-view into a realisation of our personal part in resolving the problem of evil.
God has understandable and wonderful reasons for bringing about a world like ours - a place of tragedy... and a place of grace.
Dr. Brian Morley is the Professor of Philosophy and Apologetics at the Master's College, Santa Clarita, California. He has taught in European and American Graduate Schools and been an European government consultant on education.
Brian Morley
Dr. Morley is Professor of Philosophy and Apologetics, The Masters College, Santa Clarita, California. He is also an adjunct
professor for the Center for Professional Studies at TMC. He and his wife, Donna, founded Faith & Reason Forum (and its extensive website, to strengthen Christians and reach non-believers.
9781781912935 |
9781871676389 |
9781857925395 |
9781845507008 |
"How can a good, all-powerful God allow evil and suffering in this world?" This question has been asked for millennia, and it is at the heart of what theologians call "the problem of evil." Drawing from his personal experiences, as well as from his notable academic credentials, Brian Morley provides his readers with biblical and practical insight into this important subject. For those wanting to think rightly about pain and suffering, God in the Shadows is a wonderful place to start.
John MacArthur
Chancellor Emeritus, The Master’s University and Seminary and Pastor–Teacher, Grace Community Church, Sun Valley, California
"This work is thorough in its scope covering these immensely crucial topics from the theological, philosophical, psychological and personal perspectives. It is well reasoned and practical. As a teaching chaplain I will highly recommend God in the Shadows to pastors and hospital chaplains as a learning tool and resource that provides an up to date framework regarding the crucial issues of life."
"Although suffering and evil are common to all peoples in all cultures, satisfying explanations for evil elude us. The issues are especially acute for theists who believe in an all good, all powerful and all knowing God. Professor Brian Morley has provided us with a wise, comprehensive and thoughtful exploration of suffering and evil within a Christian worldview. Believers and skeptics alike will benefit from this sensitive and sensible discussion."
"Of all the questions students ask me as a campus minister, those on evil and suffering top the list. Brian Morley tackles this age old enigma head-on. His helpful response is biblically accurate and intellectually stimulating."