Released in the UK March 2015
Released in the US May 2015
Trade paperback | 256 Pages
9781845501204 • £9.99 $15.99
BISAC – BIO018000
George Müller’s life is a powerful answer to modern scepticism. His name has become a by–word for faith throughout the world. In the early 1830s he embarked upon an extraordinary adventure. Disturbed by the faithlessness of the Church in general, he longed to have something to point to as ‘visible proof that our God and Father is the same faithful creator as he ever was’. He was more successful than anyone could have believed possible and is as much an example to our generation, as he was to his.
Roger Steer
Roger Steer is the author of thirteen books which have been published in well over a dozen languages - including his internationally acclaimed Inside Story: The Life of John Stott. He lives with his wife in mid-Devon, England, where he preaches, leads retreats and acts as a tutor to young preachers.
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Roger Steer's biography of Muller is a classic. A 'must-read'.
"Steer has penned a very readable volume that reminds the reader of the greatness and generosity of God and the importance of prayer in the believer's life."
"Uncovers the man from the myth ... a first class piece of work."
Evangelical Times