Released in the UK July 2006
Released in the US September 2006


Trade paperback | 208 Pages
9781845501402 • £6.99 $10.99

BISAC – REL067000

Christianity and its Competitors

The new faces of old heresy

James McGoldrick

Christianity is the most populous faith on the planet. Yet it has many competitors.

Some of these competing belief systems have displayed terrific energy in recent years and witnessed a growth in following as a result. One of the factors that has helped this is found among the millions of people who claim allegiance to the Christian faith, which now encompasses a bewildering diversity of belief and practice. The lack of fundamental agreement has encouraged the growth of these competing systems of belief.

You see, the competitors of Christianity are not only those religions that reject the claims of Christ - but also those that either dilute his teachings or choose only those they deem attractive.

Jim McGoldrick examines the major challenges to biblical belief that appeared in the early years of the church. He then traces how they have stayed alive, though with new names, gaining acceptance in the 21st century. In most areas of contemporary theological debate people think they are exploring new ideas - McGoldrick shows that they aren't.

The encouraging factor is that the message of Christ, despite coming under assault from many angles, continues to advance stronger than ever. Here is a vigorous and illuminating defence of Christian belief that shows how ceaseless attacks on the faith of the church have been rebuffed in the past - and can be today.

James McGoldrick
Professor of Church History at Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Greenville, South Carolina and previously Professor of History at Cedarville University, Cedarville, Ohio. He has written extensively on church history in secular and theological journals and reference books.

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