Released in the UK January 2014
Released in the US March 2014


Pocket paperback | 208 Pages
Read to me: 8-9
Read Myself: 9-12
9781845501266 • £5.99 $8.99

BISAC – JUV033010

A Boy of Two Worlds

Lorna Eglin

One dreadful day life changes for the Maasai tribe and their way of life hangs in balance as drought attacks pastures, worms attack cattle, and the young boy Lemayan falls sick. Lemayan only knows the traditional Maasai world but now he has to live in a different world to survive. When Lemayan finds out about a Good Shepherd he begins another journey of discovery to a world where Jesus is King and where all tribes and peoples are welcome.

Lorna Eglin
Lorna Eglin is an AIM missionary in South Africa and taught Maasai girls in Kenya. Her students went on to be professionals in modern Kenya, including the first Maasai lady doctor and the wife of Kenya's ambassador to Japan.

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