Released in the UK January 2023
Released in the US January 2023
Paperback | 96 Pages
Read to me: 5–11
Read Myself: 5–11
9781857924466 • £7.99 $12.99
BISAC – JNF049080
Get your children interested in mission by using this excellent Sunday School resource book.
‘This gets inside the lives of people from another culture. An essential resource for launching children into the adventure of missions. Prepare for take off!’
Stephen Nichols, All Souls.
‘If you are teaching 7–11 year olds you need this book. Let the children taste new cultures and meet colourful characters.
A creative blend of facts, games, crafts and ideas. User friendly and flexible. Easy to adapt to fit the needs of your group. Ideal for dipping into or using week by week. All you need for a five–minute slot or a two hour session.
‘Cor! Cool!’ Shona Clements, age 11
‘Cor! Cool!’ Shona Clements, age 11
Mark Ellis
Pastor of Grace Church, Dundee, Scotland.
9781857928273 |
9781781913529 |
9781845505011 |
9781527106147 |
This gets inside the lives of people from another culture. An essential resource for launching children into the adventure of missions. Prepare for take off!
Stephen J. Nichols
President, Reformation Bible College, Sanford, Florida; author, ‘Track: A Student’s Guide to Apologetics’
A great resource to teach 7-11 year olds about different cultures and mission as well as suggesting some ways of practically and prayerfully supporting those living overseas. This book contains seven sections looking at various aspects of Mission including Bible teaching about mission, What it's like to be ... (a church worker in Thailand), Kids like me - providing information about the lives of individual children from other cultures and craft ideas from other countries.
It is presented in a clear style allowing those using it to 'pick 'n' mix' to best suit the situation they are in. It provides very good information and facts needed by the leader as well as providing some excellent child-centered information and activities.
It would be valuable resource for focusing on the mission over a number of lessons or as a one-off event.