Released in the UK January 1970
Released in the US January 1970
Trade paperback | 192 Pages
9781857923810 • £6.99 $9.99
BISAC – REL012100
There can be few issues in the Christian Church, which have provoked as much strife as the need to preserve the unity of the church. Why then venture into print? The Bible attaches far more importance to unity than the church has often acknowledged. Paul uses the strongest language when he says to a disunited church in Ephesus 'spare no effort to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace' (Eph 4:3 - author's translation). If truth be told, Christians have spared themselves a great deal of effort in this particular area of their faith.
Mark Johnston
Mark Johnston is Minister of Bethel Presbyterian Church, Cardiff, Wales. Prior to that he pastored Proclamation Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania which followed 16 years as minister of Grove Chapel in London.
9781845501242 |
9781781911457 |
9781527103382 |
"This book will trouble some, challenge others, and influence all who are prepared to take the risk of fellowshipping with "other saints".
"With warmth and sanity, Mark Johnston steers us on an eminently Biblical path through the principles and practicalities of pursuing the desire of Jesus Christ for his people to be one. This book should prove a rebuke to the hard-hearted, a corrective to the soft-headed, and a stimulus to all evangelicals of good will towards God-honouring unity"
John Benton
Director of Pastoral Support, The Pastors’ Academy, London Seminary, London, UK
"No Christian can read this book without being convinced that something must be done to create harmony in the local church and unity between evangelical congregations."