Released in the UK January 2014
Released in the US March 2014
Trade paperback | 240 Pages
Read to me: 12
Read Myself: 12-14
9781857925586 • £7.99 $10.99
BISAC – YAN048000
This book was written by Patricia St John especially for all young people who want to learn about God and get to know Him for themselves. Every chapter deals with a basic Christian belief and tackles some of the most searching questions the author was asked, including:
Who is God and what is he like?
Why is there so much suffering in the world?
Wasn’t I born a Christian?
Does Jesus care about me?
Can I really know God?
Through enjoyable real–life stories, prayers and thought–provoking questions, the reader will discover what Christians believe and what friendship with Jesus can mean in their lives.
Patricia St. John
Patricia St. John spent 27 years as a dedicated missionary to North Africa - and was also a prolific children's writer. Her books are loved and treasured around the world. Some have been turned into stirring films. Gripping adventures which cover real life issues are her hall-mark.
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How do you get to know God? Where does he hang out? This book is a readable potted theology for youth covering the spirit's work, Christ's death and more through stories.
Youthwork Magazine
Are you looking for a book that will help you to dive head first into discovering who God is? Then this is the book for you! Patricia St. John has provided this great resource for youth that will help them to grow and learn more about seeking God and learning to find the answers in the Bible. I absolutely loved exploring God's Word through reading this book. I was impressed with the format of the book. The author did a great job in writing to a younger audience. The writings are easy to read and understand. Each chapter or section includes verses, prayers, and questions to think about. I like the fact that the author does not preach but instead teaches the youth to use the brains that God has blessed them with and to examine the Scriptures on their own to discover God's truth. This book addresses a ton of questions, with 46 chapters broken down into various categories such as Death and Beyond, Spiritual Growth, the Holy Spirit, etc. This book is sure to help the new believer as well as the veteran Christian find answers to the questions they may have about God. Truly an awesome book.
Tricia Bleu, Teens 4 Jesus Library Website