Released in the UK July 2001
Released in the US September 2001


Large trade paperback | 352 Pages
9781857926415 • £10.99 $17.99

BISAC – REL067000

The Bond of Love

God's Covenantal Relationship with the church

David McKay

A guide for us as we seek to apply Covenant theology to the challenges which contemporary Christians have to face in the culture they live and witness.

David McKay
David McKay is Professor of Systematic Theology, Ethics and Apologetics at the Reformed Theological College, Belfast, and Minister of Shaftesbury Square Reformed Presbyterian Church in Belfast. He is the author of ‘An Ecclesiastical Republic’ (1997) and ‘The Bond of Love’ (2001) and has contributed to a number of theological journals and books. He is married to Valerie.

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