Released in the UK July 2001
Released in the US September 2001
Large trade paperback | 352 Pages
9781857926415 • £10.99 $17.99
BISAC – REL067000
A guide for us as we seek to apply Covenant theology to the challenges which contemporary Christians have to face in the culture they live and witness.
David McKay
David McKay is Professor of Systematic Theology, Ethics and Apologetics at the Reformed Theological College, Belfast, and Minister of Shaftesbury Square Reformed Presbyterian Church in Belfast. He is the author of ‘An Ecclesiastical Republic’ (1997) and ‘The Bond of Love’ (2001) and has contributed to a number of theological journals and books. He is married to Valerie.
9781857927375 |
9781781914052 |
9781527104211 |
9781857925715 |
‘Covenant Theology is a way of understanding the entire biblical message from Genesis to Revelation as essentially one theme. It covers everything, and anyone who writes on it must not only be familiar with biblical themes, but must also be able to integrate historical, systematic and practical theology in such a way that what results is comprehensive and comprehensible. McKay manages to all of this with breathtaking ease. I have been waiting for over twenty years for such a book. This is it.'
Derek W. H. Thomas
Teaching Fellow, Ligonier Ministries; Retired Senior Minister, First Presbyterian Church (ARP), Columbia, South Carolina
‘David McKay has accomplished a remarkable goal in this book. He covers the full range of the topics of Christian doctrine from the standpoint of Covenant Theology, showing the relevance of the covenant in all aspects of faith and life. This is, in fact, a covenantal systematic theology. Particularly useful is McKay's treatment of contemporary issues from a covenant perspective: e.g., neo-orthodoxy, the New Age Movement, feminism, evolutionism, the "open view of God," etc. He interacts with an amazing range of Reformed authors, from Calvin to the Puritans to Murray, Van Til, and Reymond. I enthusiastically commend this work, and will use it in my Seminary courses.'
Wayne R. Spear
Professor Emeritus of Systematic Theology, Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
... combines clarity, incisive thinking and warm practical application. This is a book to be read and studied carefully - a great reference tool and an essential part of the Christian's library.
This robust restatement of covenant theology is not a backwards looking exercise, but drawing on a comprehensive knowledge of the past the author applies the doctrines and insights of covenant theology to the contemporary scene. He does so in a clear and engaging style, not shirking from dealing with difficulties and controversies, but always focusing matters on the life of the individual and the church.
John L. Mackay
(1948–2018) Professor of Old Testament (1983–2013), Free Church College, Edinburgh