Released in the UK May 2014
Released in the US July 2014
Large trade paperback | 176 Pages
9781857921465 • £9.99 $15.99
BISAC – REL012080
Knowing who God is – his character, his plans and why he wants us to pray – are essentials in building our understanding of prayer. Douglas Kelly is a distinguished theologian – he is well qualified to guide us both as a teacher and a fellow traveller, sharing his own setbacks and blessings. One of the biggest questions about prayer is not ‘How do you do it?’ but rather ‘Do we know who we are speaking to?’
Douglas F. Kelly
Douglas F. Kelly is Professor of Theology Emeritus, Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte, North Carolina.
9781845502362 |
9781845504366 |
9781527108462 |
9781845503093 |
"Full of excellent expositions of scripture, stories and quotes which time and again focus attention on God."
"It is written for those who find it difficult, in theory or practice, to reconcile our prayers with the sovereignty of God in providence and redemption. He deals with the issues in a way that informs our minds, warms our hearts and moves our wills. He writes with clarity and includes a wealth of memorable and often moving illustrations based on the Bible and personal experience."
Evangelical Times
"This is a very readable book on an important and difficult subject this is a refreshing book in an age of much flippancy in Christian living and worship."