Released in the UK November 2013
Released in the US January 2014
Large trade paperback | 192 Pages
9781857925395 • £8.99 $14.99
BISAC – REL067000
How does Calvinism affect the way you view - worship, humility, adversity, outlook, evangelism, holiness, assurance, liberty, prayer, guidance and living faith? Terry Johnson illuminates the practical implications of Calvinism and how God's grace changes every aspect of your life.
Terry L. Johnson
Terry Johnson is the senior minister of the Independent Presbyterian Church in Savannah, Georgia, which he has served since 1987.
9781857923186 |
9781857929232 |
9781845506469 |
9781857923162 |
This book will bless you and warm your mind and heart... opens the doctrines of grace in a practical and appealing manner, while maintaining his theological integrity.
... easy to read, cogently articulated, and helpful to anyone who needs encouragement or a refresher course on the doctrines of grace. They would also be a challenging witness for a non-Christian to read. I commend this book for personal reading and family or group study.
... writes well and if you want a fresh approach to some well-worn themes, this is the book for you. His coverage of Law and Liberty is stimulating as is his dealing with Prayer and with Guidance.
This book comes with strong recommendations of various worthies in America, to which I would like to add my own pennyworth.
Terry Johnson's When Grace Comes Home is to be welcomed.
Ligon Duncan
Chancellor and CEO, Reformed Theological Seminary
Enriches our understanding.
Darryl G. Hart
Intercollegiate Studies Institute, Wilmington, Delaware