Released in the UK July 2009
Released in the US September 2009
Pocket paperback | 160 Pages
9781857923223 • £5.99 $8.99
BISAC – REL067030
Why is doing good no guarantee of an easy life? One of the most common objections to the Christian Faith is 'If God created the universe, and is still in control of it, then Why does he allow suffering and injustice?' Melvin Tinker considers the different opinions people have before investigating the biblical answers about a crucial topic that needs to be faced by an evangelistic church. He looks at the situations biblical characters faced, the opposition to Jesus himself, and the suffering of the early church. This book provides the key factors behind the benefit and purpose of suffering.
Melvin Tinker
Melvin Tinker (1955–2021) was Vicar of St John’s Newland, Chairman of Yorkshire Gospel Partnership, Co–director of Northern Training Course and was a leading member of the Anglican group ‘REFORM’. He is a popular author on culture and faith.
9781527104747 |
9781781918692 |
9781845506827 |
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"...not only an apologetic and a pastoral help but also puts the reader into immediate contact with Job and the Psalmists as they struggle with the issues for real. The book is a deceptively easy read, written in an everyday style with biblical and contemporary illustrations. It is well worth a read."
Evangelicals Now
"Right from the first page this book is easy reading, yet it deals with the most difficult subject Christians ever have to face - the question of why a loving God allows suffering. A wonderful antidote to self-pity, I can highly recommend this book to anyone, but particularly to those who struggle to know what to say or how to help when their friends are going through the mill."