Released in the UK May 2015
Released in the US July 2015
Large trade paperback | 288 Pages
9781857926804 • £9.99 $14.99
BISAC – REL067030
We've all had that sinking feeling when you realise that the question you have just been asked has you stumped. - your mind races to come to a satisfactory answer. Later you kick yourself for not having thought of it and prepared an answer before now. For Christians, when it comes to matters of faith, it can be all the more embarrassing. Christians need to be able to give a reason for their faith, but so often, through our own laziness we fail miserably. As a pastor to a vibrant city church in the heart of London, Richard Bewes faced tricky questions about his faith on almost a daily basis. This book is a compilation of the Top 100 Questions he has been asked by people of all ages, in all walks of life, in various states of religious belief.
The answers Richard offers are not pat answers to outwit the questioner, but rather, he seeks to give clear, biblical advice to genuine questions. This book will help Christians face a sceptical, spiritually curious world.
Richard Bewes
Richard Bewes (1934 – 2019) was the author of several beloved books of faith including ‘Talking About Prayer’, ‘150 Pocket Thoughts’, and ‘The Goodnight Book’. Bewes was the rector of All Souls Church in the centre of London from 1983 until his retirement in 2004. In 2005 he was awarded an OBE for his services to the Church of England.
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"...the accumulated wisdom and illustration from decades of mulling over some very difficult questions - wonderfully distilled down to the key points."
Rico Tice
Evangelist; Co–founder of Christianity Explored Ministries
... clear and understandable, balanced, succinct, and full of spiritual common sense... Take in the spiritual food and instruction here and you will grow in understanding, faith and usefulness. Strongly recommended
"This highly readable book provides direct, clear, concise and relevant answers to questions with which many people struggle."
Bewes provides direct, clear, concise and relevant answers to these questions. Above all the answers are clearly biblical and scriptural principals are carefully applied. The material is laid out in short, bite-sized chapters and written in a simple readable style. The reader is directed to further sources of study on many of the questions asked. This is an excellent resource and should prove helpful to a wide audience.