Released in the UK May 2009
Released in the US July 2009
Trade paperback | 228 Pages
9781845504809 • £9.99 $15.99
BISAC – REL080000
Matthew’s Gospel is a substantial book to consider teaching through – its large sections of teaching and theological reflection seeming to predominate over the ‘action’ of the story.
However, precisely because there are such rich seams of theology, and so much teaching from Jesus himself, it is a wonderful treasure–trove.
It also excels as a way of explaining the message of the New Testament gospel emphasising a sense of its continuity with the whole Old Testament, and the fulfilment of God’s covenant promises in Jesus Christ. This is not an exhaustive exposition of the Gospel. The major focus is on Matthew’s five great teaching sections. It is not intended to take the place of commentaries but complement them, as few commentaries seem to be written with the sermon (or Bible exposition) as the point of reference that is being worked towards.
As we work through Matthew’s Gospel, then, the aim is to help the Bible teacher find a way into the text that will enable him to use it for its given purpose: to be proclaimed as the living word of God. That is the point of Scripture, what it is meant for.
David Jackman
David Jackman is the past President of the Proclamation Trust and the founder–director of its Cornhill Training Course. Its aim is to train and equip a new generation of Biblical preachers, which he still actively pursues in retirement, through his own preaching, writing, leading workshops and producing training materials. Previously he was the minister of Above Bar Church, Southampton.
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The task of moving from the text of Scripture to clear and faithful exposition is challenging. This series of excellent guides aims to help the Bible teacher to observe what is there in the text, and prepare to convey its significance to contemporary hearers. In this way these volumes often do more than the weightier technical commentaries. It is like having the guidance of an experienced coach in the wonderful work of rightly handling the word of truth.
John Woodhouse
Retired Principal and Lecturer in Doctrine and Old Testament, Moore College, Sydney, Australia
North India desperately needs men and women who will preach and teach the Bible faithfully and PT's Teaching series is of great value in encouraging them to do just that.
Isaac Shaw
Executive Director, Delhi Bible Institute, New Delhi, India
The Teaching series is a great resource for Bible study leaders and pastors, indeed for any Christian who wants to understand their Bible better.
Mark Dever
Senior Pastor, Capitol Hill Baptist Church and President,, Washington, DC
The need of the hour is Bible knowledge. When knowledge fails, faith fails, and we are shaped instead by cultural forces alien to God. This teaching series, written by skilled and trustworthy students of God's word, helps us to understand the Bible, believe it and obey it. I commend it to all Bible readers, but especially those whose task it is to teach the inspired word of God.
Peter Jensen
Retired Archbishop of Sydney, Sydney, Australia