Released in the UK July 2003
Released in the US September 2003
Pocket paperback | 160 Pages
Read to me: 7–8
Read Myself: 8–12
9781857928372 • £5.99 $8.99
BISAC – JNF007080
These Christian women were once little girls playing with dolls, making mistakes and growing up in quite a different world. But was it that different? Irene Howat has researched the lives of these famous women of God and draws out lessons we can all relate to, especially youngsters today. Featuring Ida Scudder, Betty Green, Janette Li, Mary Jane Kinnaird, Bessie Adams, Emma Dryer, Lottie Moon, Florence Nightingale, Henrietta Mears and Elizabeth Elliot.
Irene Howat
Irene Howat is an award–winning author and poet who lives in Scotland. She has published many biographical books for all ages and is particularly well–known for her biographical material. She has written many books about the lives of different Christians from around the world. She has also written an autobiographical work entitled ‘Pain My Companion’.
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This is a wonderful book - in fact it's a wonderful series. Irene Howat writes with a real warmth and insight. People that you have never met come alive on the page. Christian legends and unsung heroes all become friends you can understand and look up to. In a world where role models of real integrity are few and far between the Lightkeeper's series fills the gap!
Catherine MacKenzie
Author; children’s books editor, Christian Focus