Released in the UK January 2015
Released in the US March 2015
Trade paperback | 256 Pages
9781871676952 • £7.99 $12.99
BISAC – REL030000
Spurgeon was one of the most effective evangelists of all time. Under his ministry Victorian London saw revival on a scale never seen since. Yet Spurgeon would be the first to point your finger away from himself to the true author of repentance and reformation - he realised that without God at work, he could do nothing. Here is a collection of his lectures and talks to take people away from human inspired gimmickry and slavish mimicry to think through for themselves how to enable God to work in their lives and ministry.
C. H. Spurgeon
C. H. Spurgeon, the great Victorian preacher, was one of the most influential people of the second half of the 19th Century. At the heart of his desire to preach was a fierce love of people, a desire that meant he did not neglect his pastoral ministry.
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". . . full of the pith, humour and wisdom one expects of Spurgeon . . . it was to God that Spurgeon looked and expected blessing and that he received it . . . It is heartening to read of the joys and problems associated with the preaching of the Gospel . . . he had the ability to go to the heart of matters . . . This is a book to relish and enjoy, and then to apply, under the earnest seeking for the blessing of God, to today's world."
English Churchman