Released in the UK January 1970
Released in the US October 2006
Trade paperback | 192 Pages
9781857920079 • £5.99 $7.99
BISAC – REL109000
This book was published in 1992 to commemorate the centenary of the Glasgow Bible College. It consists of eight essays by nine contributors who have either trained or taught at the College.
Geoffrey Grogan
Dr Geoffrey W. Grogan (1925-2011) was Principal Emeritus of Glasgow Bible College, Glasgow. His theological studies were undertaken there and at the London Bible College. He served the College as a full-time lecturer for fourteen years before going south in 1965 to teach at LBC. In 1969 he returned to Glasgow as Principal. He served on four missionary councils, on the Strathclyde Education Committee and the Management Committee for the Cambridge University Diploma in Religious Studies. He wrote books on the Trinity, the Person of Christ, Paul, the Psalms and commentaries on Isaiah, Mark and 2 Corinthians.
9781527113152 |
9781527111011 |
9781527108882 |
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"...sparkling and refreshing...I learned a great deal of good news about the prospects for Christianity as seen against the backdrop of other religions."