Released in the UK November 2011
Released in the US January 2012
Large trade paperback | 288 Pages
9781857929539 • £9.99 $15.99
BISAC – BIO018000
The recounting of the story of revival on the Scottish Isle of Lewis in the late 1940s. It is a fascinating blend of history, biography and testimony. It includes the eye–witness accounts from Duncan Campbell and Mary Peckham.
Colin Peckham
Colin Peckham (1936–2009) was Principal of Faith Mission Bible College, Edinburgh. Mary Peckham (nee Morrison) (1932–2010) was born on the Isle of Lewis and was converted in the 1949 revival. She spent fourteen years in evangelistic ministry, seeing true revival on two occasions in her ministry, before marrying Colin in 1969. They are both survived by three adult children and two grandchildren.
9781857924930 |
9781857922615 |
9781527108738 |
9781527112575 |
"This will become for those burdened for revival a primary and powerful resource for understanding God's ways in sending 'times of refreshing' for His people."
Here you can read Duncan Campbell's own reports, along with eyewitness records of those amazing days, and a description of the characteristics of the revival. ...the desperate state of our society and the church which bears the name of Christ should drive us to pray with the Psalmist, "Will You not revive us again, O Lord?"
Peter Grainger
Formerly Pastor, Charlotte Chapel, Edinburgh
This is the best and most definitive study of the movement of the Spirit of God in the Hebrides during the middle of the twentieth century. There are people who sit and hear us year after year. They are loyal, orthodox, moral people but they lack vitality, discipleship, courage in witness-bearing, prayerfulness - they are rarely present in Prayer Meetings. One longs for a spark, a new insight that takes them over the edge into assurance and holy zeal. Reading the testimonies in the closing chapters of the book describing the radical transformation of the lives of ordinary church goers, gives hope for new life in those who faithfully hear us, but do little more. In matters of the Holy Spirit, never assume anything.
Geoff Thomas
Conference Speaker and author, Aberystwyth, Wales