Released in the UK January 1970
Released in the US January 1970
Large trade hardback | 480 Pages
9781857922271 • £17.99 $29.99
BISAC – REL006040
Alexander Whyte's well researched compendium of biographies has been of great use to pastors, study group leaders and others for about 100 years. It is the most comprehensive, and most well respected, source of material for understanding the characters involved in the events of the Bible, ever published.
The material is here gathered into a handy hardback volume to continue its life of usefulness to the church today. Once you start dipping into Bible Characters the people in the New Testament will leap from the page as real people - making the Bible as relevant today as Jesus was to the people of his.
Alexander Whyte
Alexander Whyte was a Scottish Theologian, Free Church Minister and Principal of New College, Edinburgh.
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"Through the scriptures I first met the characters of the Bible. But only through Alexander Whyte have I come to know them. Next to the Bible I find Bible Characters the greatest help in understanding the men and women in God's Word....Whyte writes brief biographies faithful to the Bible. He has a creative mind. Without stretching the truth, he stretches our minds to embrace the character of the individuals revealed here. He is never superficial. He writes like a modern newspaperman - in terms of human interest and deep insight. It's just as though he had interviewed an individual and returned to the newspaper office to write up the feature. As a former newspaperman I deeply appreciate his thoroughness and his talent."
Ben Haden
(1925-2013) Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Chattanooga, Tennessee