Released in the UK November 2011
Released in the US January 2012
Paperback | 88 Pages
Read to me: 9–11
Read Myself: 11
9781857925517 • £11.99 $17.99
BISAC – REL091000
Do you want to encourage children to read the Bible? Do you want children to realise that the Bible is God’s guide for them, relevant, exciting, dynamic! TnT Ministries have developed ‘On The Way’ to meet your needs, the needs of your church and most importantly the needs of the children you teach.
Churches around the world from America to France, Spain to Korea, Hong Kong to Australia have discovered the strength of this Sunday School syllabus. It is biblical, undated, multi–age, chronological and informative. Leaders and students are learning together the world over with the ‘On The Way’ series – a unique and excellent curriculum.
Author of Alternative Sunday School Material 'On the Way' and the Youth Bible Studies Junction. TnT Minstries is currently headed up by Rory and Kim Bell having previously been run by Trevor and Thalia Blundell.
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"Biblical ignorance is a plague not only in the land but in churches. This material will cure the problem by giving children firm foundations in scriptural knowledge from their earliest years."
Dick Lucas
Formerly Rector of St Helen's Bishopsgate, London