Released in the UK January 1970
Released in the US January 1970
Royale Hardback 234 X 156 | 450 Pages
9781857926187 • £17.99 $22.99
BISAC – REL015000
The drama depicted in this book took place in Scotland in the late seventeenth century when English Kings conducted a twenty-eight year reign of terror to destroy the Presbyterian Church. Historians refer to those persecuted as 'Covenanters' because they had sworn a covenant to preserve their faith. Thousands chose to suffer persecution rather than give in to the king, hundreds died.
The troubles of John Nisbet of Hardhill, began when he refused to have one of his children baptised by the Episcopalian curate, who had replaced his Presbyterian minister. This decision led to the loss of all his worldly wealth, the death of his wife and daughter, and ultimately his own execution. John Nisbet's son, James, survived to tell the tale of the lives of the Covenanters. Edwin Nisbet Moore, one of his descendants, in an inspiring book, tells us what the real issues were, and still are, for the church.
Edwin Nisbet Moore
9781781912690 |
9781845505981 |
9781845505141 |
9781845507749 |
This book will open the eyes of the reader to something of the history of the Covenanters in Scotland as seen through writings of those who were there. This should be must reading for all Americans, who benefit from a freedom of religious heritage much of which was developed by the Scots-Irish settlers as a result of the persecutions they suffered
... of great historical and theological importance. We are confronted with the importance of commitment to God and the meaning and benefits of the Christian's covenantal relationship established by God.
'well done... reads well and tells the stories of martyrdom movingly.'
James Montgomery Boice
Late pastor of Tenth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia
'Edwin Moore appreciates this heritage bequeathed to our generation by the faithful Scottish Covenanters. May you be gripped by a vision of God's greatness and a desire to serve Him faithfully as you read this helpful book.'
Ligon Duncan
Chancellor and CEO, Reformed Theological Seminary