Released in the UK October 2001
Released in the US October 2001
Pocket paperback | 0 Pages
9780906731932 • £5.99 $7.99
BISAC – BIO018000
"... from a farm in Perthshire to the Ministry of the Gospel..."
On the ski slopes or in the Church, in the company of people of all ages Stephen Anderson communicates the Gospel.
The power of this Gospel changed his life. This book tells us how this happened and how his work is to share his life changing power with all he meets.
Told in his own words in a frank and humble way.
Stephen Anderson
9781845501204 |
9781527105317 |
9781527106932 |
9781857922844 |
Stephen Anderson is the freshest breath of fresh air to blow through the Church of Scotland for a long time... I have been fascinated and deeply challenged by my brother's life story...
William Still
Late Minister of Gilcomston South Church from 1945-1997