Released in the UK January 2010
Released in the US March 2010
Trade paperback | 160 Pages
9781857923131 • £9.99 $15.99
BISAC – REL012070
This is a profoundly practical book that can help you be released from the bondage of yesterday. It is the biblical answer to living a full life.
William Hines
William Hines has taught at Le Tourneau University, Trinity Bible College and Seminary and the Master?s Divinity School. He is an ordained minister and board member for the International Association of Biblical Counselors.
9781845506339 |
9781857928648 |
9781527108448 |
9781857928662 |
"The style is readable, the content stimulating. I enjoyed reading it and heartily recommend it."
K. Scott Oliphint
Professor of Apologetics and Systematic Theology, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
"Our Christian Publication reaches 100,000 readers and a worldwide internet audience. We specifically sought out Bill Hines alone to write a monthly Biblical counselling column. Bill has proven to us that he is that rare treasure, a compassionate Biblical counsellor with maturity"
"a refreshing source of help, demonstrates how to use biblical tools"
Howard Eyrich
Pastor of Counselling, Briarwood Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, Alabama
"Leaving Yesterday Behind is a book easily read, that addresses important matters. You may not agree with everything in it, but Bill Hines' work will stimulate your thinking. It is eminently useful"
Jay Adams
Author & Retired Seminary Professor, Enoree, South Carolina