Released in the UK March 2011
Released in the US May 2011
Trade paperback | 160 Pages
9781857920475 • £7.99 $10.99
BISAC – REL012120
What is the purpose of our lives?
God's design is that he might be glorified and that those he has chosen might be saved to have abundant life. The life of faith is lived in the light of this truth: so that Christians must remember lack of growth brings God no honour, prayerlessness gives no glory. Yet, positively God works in the believer through Scripture to prepare them for glory and to give them happiness here and now.
A. W. Pink looks at what God has done for us, why he has done this and how we should respond. He gives us marks of grace to look for in ourselves and reassurance as to the help God provides.
A. W. Pink
A. W. Pink (1886–1952) was born in England and converted in his 20s. He was called to a pastorate in Colorado until 1921, after which he decided to concentrate on writing and speaking at conferences. The next year he started a monthly magazine ‘Studies in the Scriptures’ which he edited until his death.
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... biblical exposition with considerable emphasis on experimental godliness. Pink is often at his best when expounding Scripture characters.