Released in the UK November 2013
Released in the US January 2014
Trade paperback | 256 Pages
9781857922011 • £9.99 $14.99
BISAC – REL055000
Are we missing out on God's blessing by the way we celebrate the Lord's Day - are we too legalistic or too lax? Is the Spirit grieved by our disrespect to God or frustrated by our thralldom to unnecessary restrictions? These and other questions are answered in The Lord's Day. Joey Pipa is known for his warm pastoral application of Scriptural principles. Here, he takes an authoritative look at the 'first day.'
Joseph A. Pipa Jr.
Joseph A. Pipa, Jr. has been both a church pastor and theological professor. He is President and Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology at Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary in South Carolina and exercises a worldwide expositional ministry.
9781781912492 |
9781845500269 |
9781845509682 |
9781527108721 |
A splendid book... The church has needed this book. Use your Sunday afternoons to read it!
W. Robert Godfrey
President Emeritus, Professor Emeritus of Church History, Westminster Seminary in California, Escondido, California
This book is a well-argued defence of... the Fourth Commandment.
Associated Presbyterian News
Scholarly, thorough and thought provoking are some of the comments that will help describe this new book.
Roni Ben Tovi, CBJ November 1997