Released in the UK January 1970
Released in the US January 1970
Pocket paperback | 192 Pages
9781857927238 • £5.99 $7.99
BISAC – BIO018000
Light in the City is a set of testimonies with a difference. Most are the stories of London City Missionaries who come from a variety of backgrounds. Their experiences before conversion were varied and the subjects covered in their stories include: alcohol and drug abuse, sexual abuse, racial issues, poverty, violence, involvement in cults such as Rastafarianism, Jehovah Witnesses and the occult.
Along with these stories are testimonies of several people who have come to faith through the work and witness of LCM. Some of these came into the kingdom dramatically and others very gently. They illustrate the work of the Mission and the care the missionaries have for those they meet.
The book ends with a short explanation of the Christian Faith - taking the form of answers to the kind of questions the missionaries meet in the course of their work.
Irene Howat
Irene Howat is an award–winning author and poet who lives in Scotland. She has published many biographical books for all ages and is particularly well–known for her biographical material. She has written many books about the lives of different Christians from around the world. She has also written an autobiographical work entitled ‘Pain My Companion’.
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"God took ordinary men and women, some of whom faced big problems in their own lives, and saved them. Their stories are fascinating, their work is a slog but it's never dull."
"Puts us at the scene of the action... In many cases those on the receiving end of such costly kindness have themselves joined God's emergency rescue team as London City Missionaries."
"Demonstrates the power of Christ to change lives being ruined by the depravity of modern inner city life. A realistic selection of examples in that not all live happily ever after."
Kenneth Prior